Browse Items (4 total)

1857-08-01, Leader, WWPMBE148255625.pdf
Pastrana performs at Regent Gallery, 11-1, 3-5, 8 p.m. Stalls, 3s.; Area, 2s.; Gallery, 1s. Multiple quotes from newspapers. M-W, "Will hold a Levee at the Beaumont Institute, Mile-end after the evening entertainment."

1857-07-18, WEDXBM495796135.pdf
"wonder of the world." Description. "Miss Julia is pleased when the ladies and gentlemen ask her questions, and examine her pretty whiskers, of which she is very proud"

World Cat, 1888.pdf
(needs translation)

Pastrana's embalmed body on display in a glass box at 191 Piccadilly in London. Her son's body is also represented.
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